June 08, 2013

The Parts Of Steam Locomotive

1 Tender — Container holding both water for the boiler and combustible fuel such as wood, coal or oil for the fire box.
2 Cab — Compartment from which the engineer and fireman can control the engine and tend the firebox.
3 Whistle — Steam powered whistle, located on top of the boiler and used as a signalling and warning device.
4 Reach rod — Rod linking the reversing actuator in the cab (often a johnson bar)) to the valve gear.
5 Safety valve — Pressure relief valve to stop the boiler exceeding the operating limit.
6 Generator — small steam turbine directly coupled with electrical generator to headlights etc.

Japanese Railways History

The old railway line which is the most important way of passenger and freight transport in Japan, since they were established in the late nineteenth century.Government policies promoted train due to lack of fossil fuels and dependence on imports is almost complete. Land in the countryside near big cities with private companies acquired cheap train as early as the late nineteenth century, and then became the backbone for urban transport, formed around the suburban railway station radiating out of the metropolitan area, similar to the growth of suburbs around highways in other countries.
Although this plan, continue to grow making use of rival railroad transportation since the 1960s. The relative share of total rail passenger kilometers fell from 66.7 percent in 1965 to 42 percent in 1978, and 29.8 percent in 1990. Conversely, cars and domestic flights carrying stock is always greater than the passenger traffic in 1990, but still accounted for railway largest percentage so far in the OECD.

Indonesian Railway History

The presence of railways in Indonesia was marked by the first ground-breaking development in the village railway Kemijen, Friday on June 17, 1864 by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies, Mr.. L.A.J Sloet Baron van den Beele. Development initiated by Naamlooze Venootschap Spoorweg Nederlandsch Indische Maatschappij (NV. NISM), led by Ir. JP de Bordes of Kemijen responsibility towards the village (26 Km) with a width of 1 435 mm gauge. This road was opened for public transport on Saturday, August 10, 1867.

The success of private, NV. NISM build railway between Kemijen - Responsibility, which later on February 10, 1870 to connect the city of Semarang - Surakarta (110 Km), eventually encouraging investors to build railway lines in other areas. Not surprisingly, that growth in length of track between 1864 - 1900 had grown with leaps and bounds. In 1867, only 25 Km, 1870 to 110 Km, 405 Km to reach 1880 in 1890 to 1,427 km in 1900 and to 3,338 Km.

June 06, 2013

History Railways In The Worlds

In our everyday life turns of history to say that a train was already there since the era in which we are not familiar with the culture, here is the History of the railway in the world :
  • 600 BC - A train basic form, rutway it, there was in the days of ancient Greece and Rome, the most important is Diolkos ship trackway across the Isthmus of Corinth. Measuring between 6 and 8.5 miles, left on a regular and frequent service for at least 650 years, and be open to all payments, it constituted even a public railway, a concept that Lewis did not happen until about 1800. The Diolkos reportedly used at least until the middle of the 1st century AD, after which no more written references appear.
  • 1550 - Hand propelled tubs known as "hunds" must be in the surrounding provinces / form modern Germany in the mid 16th century that proved to have been used since the mid 15th century and perhaps earlier. This technology was brought to England by German miners who worked in the Mines Royal in various places in the UK Lake District near Keswick (now in Cumbria).