June 08, 2013

Indonesian Railway History

The presence of railways in Indonesia was marked by the first ground-breaking development in the village railway Kemijen, Friday on June 17, 1864 by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies, Mr.. L.A.J Sloet Baron van den Beele. Development initiated by Naamlooze Venootschap Spoorweg Nederlandsch Indische Maatschappij (NV. NISM), led by Ir. JP de Bordes of Kemijen responsibility towards the village (26 Km) with a width of 1 435 mm gauge. This road was opened for public transport on Saturday, August 10, 1867.

The success of private, NV. NISM build railway between Kemijen - Responsibility, which later on February 10, 1870 to connect the city of Semarang - Surakarta (110 Km), eventually encouraging investors to build railway lines in other areas. Not surprisingly, that growth in length of track between 1864 - 1900 had grown with leaps and bounds. In 1867, only 25 Km, 1870 to 110 Km, 405 Km to reach 1880 in 1890 to 1,427 km in 1900 and to 3,338 Km.

In addition to Java, the construction of roads were also built in Aceh (1874), North Sumatra (1886), West Sumatra (1891), South Sumatra (1914), even in Sulawasi 1922 has also been built along the 47 km railway between Napier-Takalar , the operation was conducted on July 1, 1923, the remaining Ujung Pandang - Maros have not resolved. While in Kalimantan, although have not built, railway studies Pontianak - Sambas (220 km) has been completed. Similarly, on the island of Bali and Lombok, study to build the railway.

Up until 1939, long railway in Indonesia reached 6,811 Km. However, in 1950 it was reduced to 5,910 km, approximately 901 Km Iebih were lost, presumably dismantled and transported to the Japanese occupation of Burma to build railway lines there.

Types of railway lines in Indonesia originally distinguished by wide gauge 1067 mm; 750 mm (in Aceh) and 600 mm in some branches and cross-city tram. Railway was dismantled during the Japanese occupation (1942 - 1943) along 473 km, while the railway lines built during the Japanese occupation is 83 km between Bayah - Cikara and 220 Km between Muaro - Pekanbaru. Ironically, with the crude technology, railway Muaro - Pekanbaru finished construction programmed for 15 months which employs 27,500 people, 25,000 of them are Romusha. The road that crosses the marshes, hills, and swift river currents, many claimed that his grave is strewn throughout Muaro-Pekanbaru.

After Indonesian independence was proclaimed on August 17, 1945, railway employees who are members of the Force Moeda Railways (Amka)'s authority to take over the railways of Japan. The historic event happened on September 28, 1945. Reading of statement by Ismail and other Amka members, asserted that began on 28 September 1945 the railway authority was in the hands of the Indonesian nation. The Japanese are not allowed to intervene again perkeretaapi's affairs in Indonesia. This is what underlies the enactment of 28 September 1945 as Train Day in Indonesia, as well as the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia Railway Djawatan (DKARI).

Historical Overview of Indonesian Railways

Period Status Legal Basis Logo
1864 Railway first built along the 26 miles between Kemijen Responsibility by the Dutch government
1864 to 1945 Staat Spoorwegen (SS)
Verenigde Spoorwegenbedrifj (VS)
Deli Spoorwegen Maatschappij (DSM)
1945 to 1950 DKA IBW
1950 to 1963 DKA - RI IBW
1963 to 1971 PNKA PP. No. 22 Th. 1963
1971 to 1991 PJKA PP. No. 61 Th. 1971
1991 to 1998 PERUMKA PP. No. 57 Th. 1990
1998 to 2010 PT. KERETA API (PERSERO) Presidential Decree. 39 Th.1999 Notary Imas Fatimah
May 2010 s.d now
Mei 2010 to present PT. KERETA API INDONESIA (PERSERO) Instruksi Direksi No. 16/OT.203/KA 2010

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